I mentioned in my last blog that I am a compulsive knitter, and its true. I can't sit and do nothing. I have to knit, although I don't when I'm working on location. Clicking needles tend to upset the sound department. I worked out the other day that I have been knitting for over forty years, this was quite a surprise as I really didn't think it was that long. However, when I think more about this I realise that, yes, I have been knitting that long. I started at a young age. My Grandmother declared that it was impossible to teach me to knit as I was trying to knit left handed when I was about four. Maybe I was then. I used both hands equally at first, perhaps favouring my left for most things, but then I worked out it was a right handed world and gradually used my left hand less and less. A lasting legacy of this is having problems with right and left. This does cause the odd heated moment when I'm navigating. I don't trust satnav, it always looses where we are at vital moments so I always follow on a map and then I can take over at a moments notice. We do get the "no, the other left!" at times, which doesn't go down well with my Husband, the driver in our family. Still, I'm getting off topic, I'll get back to the knitting. Looking around I don't seem to have that much to show for all that hard work. The house isn't full of knitted items, although there are quite a few hidden away. I will admit to having several stashes of yarn about the place, mostly in the loft (or attic if you prefer), a couple of cupboards, and in various bags around the bedroom. So, what have I knitted over all those years? Well I have made a few toys for various young relatives, jumpers for me and my Husband, the odd scarf or two, numerous gloves, but that wouldn't take over forty years to do. I'm guessing this is one of life's mysteries, along with where socks go to when you wash them, and why you can't find something for several days and then when you don't need it any more, there it is, in full view. I suppose I can account for some time due to not being happy with the end product and, after numerous days of knitting, unpicking the whole thing and using the yarn for a completely different project. But none of this accounts for all that knitting.
You may notice on my page that I have added a series of links. I'm new to this blogging lark and to Blogger. I do sometimes write on on a painting site, but that is a much simpler thing and there is not customisation. I'm still finding my way around this one. Some of the links are self explanatory, some less so. The ones to do with knitting are my own website, which has a knitting section, and my Ravelry page, which has a very nice lacy scarf pattern for sale on it, go on, you know you could do with one. Alternatively, knit it as a present for someone for Christmas. The other links relate either to art or to hobbies.
Talking of art, I just got a message to say that one of my pictures has been chosen for the Redbubble front page. Amazing! I don't know what to say, it is a real honour to be chosen (won't do the sales much harm either). So, check out Redbubble and take a look.
Until next time.
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